Regeneration: A Global Eco Drag Show weaves together cultural, environmental, and queer visions of a regenerative future, a future for all life.
The show travels around the globe spotlighting the way history affected both land and people, and opens up a dialogue about our shared future. Everyone attending has the opportunity to share how they are part of making a world that works for all life. Together we co-create a powerful collective narrative of a global movement building a world for all life.
Proceeds from REGENERATION go towards LBGTQ and environmental organizations chosen by each performer in their home countries and the making Emergence of Heart: a short film about the climate crisis and being human.
Purchase News - Regeneration Review
Our Performers - Building the Global Family
Durga Dawde (they, them) - India
Durga is a genderfluid activist and educator about the presence of various non-binary identities in the world. They were on the cover of Rolling Stone India in June 2020, and their work has been published in numerous publications such as Architectural Digest, Vogue, GQ, Femina, and Elle Decor. They have modeled and stared in online video platforms such as Vice to share the message that “Humanity should bind us and our differences should be viewed as things that give us character and not be used against us to marginalize and discriminate.” They created a drag alter ego Shakti and is India’s first performing drag king.
Instagram: @durgagawdestudio
EMI GRATE (she, her) - Myanmar
Born and raised in Mandalay, Myanmar, Emi Grate is a drag artist, illustrator, and assistant manager at a COVID Testing site. She is an LGBT aslyee in the US, currently based in Brooklyn, NY. She is not only the winner of Miss BK 2018 and Miss Brooklyn Pride 2020, but also the producer behind A+ the Pan-Asian Drag Revue, established in 2017.
Instagram & Twitter: @emigrate_drag
Nymphia Wind (they, them) - Taiwan
Following their official debut in 2018, Nymphia has continued to be active in the cross-dressing performance circle at home and abroad, and is renowned for his artistry. From 2018 to 2019, they were invited to perform in "Beauty Blenda" and "Swish Party" in Osaka, Japan, and Tokyo for two consecutive years. In 2019, Taiwan's premiere queer party "Blush" published the work District; they won the NYX FACE AWARD champion in the same year, and was invited to Los Angeles for the awards ceremony. The name Nymphia Wind originates from his desire to transform into wind-like freedom -- the critical point of transcending limits and subverting the imagination. Fantasy, beauty and power are instantly transformed into wind.
Instagram: @66wind99
Belinda Qaqamba Ka-Fassie (she, her) - South Africa
Belinda Qaqamba Ka-Fassie is a genderqueer South African drag artist and activist, who creatively weaves together their Xhosa/African cultural identity & queer sexuality. In 2019 Ka-Fassie co-founded of the World Press Photo Award winning photographic project, #BlackDragMagic, a project born out of stories of black queer, GNC, and transbodies who navigate their daily lives in the townships of Cape Town. According to Ka-Fassie the project was about restoring the power of storytelling and augmenting the power in these stories of power, identity, love and reclamation.
Instagram: @belinda_qaqamba_kafassi
Manila von Teez (she, her) - South Africa
Manila von Teez has quickly risen to the height of the Cape Town Drag scene, winning Miss Black Pride, Miss Cape Town Pride, Miss Cape Peninsula and Miss Loerie to name a few. She was placed seventh in the world on the list of “The Black LGBTQ Power 100 in 2016!”. She has since gone international with a touring India and being the first Drag Performer to make it to the Finals of SA’s Got Talent. She has worked with Levi Strauss and Crocs as well as making it to the Mail and Guardians list of Top 200 Youth in South Africa.
Instagram & Twitter: @ManilaVonTeez
Rose Mary (she, her) - Taiwan
The winner of 2018 Miss First Nation Taiwan, Rose Mary, is an Atayal, one of the Taiwanese indigenous groups in Taiwan. As a drag queen performer, she presents gender-blurred, passion and culture works in various art forms of media, fashion and stage performances. Her stage name Rose Mary suggests a rose with fragrance of rosemary. It offers an uncertain but fascinating sensation, just like her different acts on stage of dancing, singing and doing drag.
Instagram: @rosemary_besu
Dan Dan Demolition (they, them) - Taiwan
Dan Dan Demolition has been smashing the patriarchy since 1989, serving as the original post-gender metal Drag Quing. They are an environmental activist in Taiwan, serving as a resource and speaker about zero waste and vegan food and fashion.
Instagram: @Dandan.demolition
Uncle Southsides (he, him) - Singapore
Hailing from the southernmost tip of continental Asia, Uncle Southside brings you old skool uncle with new skool throwback funnies! If you're nice, maybe he'll let you stroke his moustache! If you're naughty, he will definitely let you stroke his moustache!